


Transcoding - inner workings?

Added by Martin Bednar about 9 years ago


I'm trying to set up transcoding for some recordings. While being mostly successful, I have hit a few bugs, and have some questions :
1 : To encode, the stream must first be decoded, right? DVB-T broadcasts being in mpeg-2 or h264, hardware accelerated decoding should be possible. Now the big question : Does tvheadend decode all in software, or does it use hw acceleration?

Having read , I understand that using vdpau is a no-go for this process, however va-api should be possible...

Question 2 : is it possible to (manually) create a gstreamer pipeline and make tvheadend use that for transcoding? (usecase : headless server with AMD GPU => vdpau/vaapi/omx available for video decode, omx available for h264 video encode). I'm using tvheadend 4.1-git, built yesterday.


Replies (1)

RE: Transcoding - inner workings? - Added by Anders Falk about 9 years ago

HW acceleration can be done if the setup is "right".

