Dual TVH Setup - Issues getting SAT>IP working correctly
Added by Stuart Pearson about 9 years ago
OpenElec V6 (modified by crazycat / ljalves for TBS) running TVH 4.1-1115~g418e81c with satellite input from QBOX 2 (TVH1)
Synology NAS DS213J running TVH 4.1.1233 (TVH2)
I am using TVH through OpenElec running on a Raspberry Pi as a SAT>IP source for the NAS TVH, when I first set the hardware up I had it working :), but now it's stopped and I can't work out what's wrong. I am now getting confused regarding the SAT>IP settings, do I set the sender (OpenElec) to 1 for the satellite interface?
The situation at present is the QBOX 2 is detected by TVH1, the mux lists are fully populated and I can both view and record streams. TVH2 show the RTSP interface, I have associated a DVB-S network with it. Initially it shows 80 muxes pending which eventually starts to countdown as it scans of he list, the problem is no services are detected. The annoying aspect is I had it working but had differences in the mux list count between TVH1 and 2, unfortunately while trying to rectify this I have lost all channels on TVH2 (not technically true I have working DVB-T channels with directly connected hardware to the NAS)
I have tried deleting the networks and recreating them on TVH2, this has made no difference, restarting the TVH2 program caused further issues as one of the DVB interfaces disappeared (now fixed by subsequent restart).
Can someone see where I have gone wrong?
Replies (1)
RE: Dual TVH Setup - Issues getting SAT>IP working correctly
Added by Stuart Pearson about 9 years ago
It appears that TVH1 through OpenElec is not running error free, I managed to get the muxes to scan correctly on TVH2 after killing the linux process and restarting TVH1. I still have difference between the service counts, on TVH1 I am showing 374 services on TVH1, with 793 on TVH2. Checking the list on TVH2 I multiple duplicates of various channels.