Added by Geoff Lane over 9 years ago
I am successfully running HTS Tvheadend 3.4~wheezy on a Raspberry Pi but on occasions it shows as 'disconnected' usually followed by reconnection. This will sometimes happen continuously for a period then settle down.
My TVHeadend server is ethernet to a switch which goes in to a mains 'homeplug, another homeplug connects to my router.
The receiver is KODI again on a Pi connected to an N wifi repeater. I have tried this client into a homeplug but again on occasions get a dropped connection.
As the homeplugs should eliminate poor connection issues I am now wondering; is this likely to be a server or client issue or some other factor.
Any pointers appreciated.
Replies (1)
RE: Disconnects
Added by Neil Blevins over 9 years ago
I was having the same issues on my pi. The latest versions fix any issues. My pi kept crashing because of something TvHeadend was doing and now it is working really well.
I had to build a script to download the repository and make the build my self. All the instructions are here.
I have some image issues but I think that is a tuner or antenna problem.