


Installation Inverto 8 channel SAT>IP LNB with PoE Adapter, Tutorial and Questions

Added by Rolf Weihrauch almost 10 years ago

Dear All,

I have an Inverto iLNB 8 channel SAT>IP LNB with PoE Adapter ([[]]) which I would like to use with tvheadend on an Ubuntu 14.04LTS server and some clients, e.g. CuBox-i2eX ([[]]) running openelec / kodi.

The iLNB is running, I can watch over PC with DVBViewer lite or iPad / elgato SAT>IP app.

I wanted to use Tvheadend for central recording on the server, but can't get it running (details below).

I was looking for a detailed tutorial getting the iLNB running under tvheadend, but it seems that I'm missing something.

Therefore I want to come up with a detailed one, same time asking for help. Any input from you will be added in this tutorial.

Thanks to:
and others I copied.

My iLNB firmware version: V1.20.0.71 (I don't know if there is a newer one, found none)

1. Installation of tvheadend on ubuntu 14.04LTS

There are good guides on the internet:
Be aware, you have to use tvheadend unstable!

For reference (on the server):
sudo apt-add-repository -r
sudo apt install curl
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tvheadend

My current version: HTS Tvheadend 3.9.2780~gb609513~trusty

2. Configure Tvheadend

Access the Tvheadend webinterface via: server-ip:9981
and login with your username & pw, set while installation of Tvheadend on the server (you can reconfigure on the server with sudo dpkg-reconfigure tvheadend).

Select tab 'Configuration' (pictures will follow)

1st tab / General

I just set the default language.

3rd tab / DVB Inputs

2nd tab / Networks

Add a network:
- Add
- select DVB-S
- set name
- Skip Initial Scan: deselect
- set Orbital Position
=> create

1st tab / TV adapters

After some time Tvheadend shall recognize the iLNB, showing eith tuners with one position each.

Click on the IPLNB-03xxx:SAT>IP - network address, and set the Parameter to:
- Force pilot for DVB-S2: selected

For each Tuner, you have to:
- Enabled: selected
- Initial Scan: selected
- Idle Scan

For each position (1ea under each tuner), you have to:
- Enabled: selected
- set Networks (to the one just created)

The problem I now have is that no muxes are showing up.

What I did then:
tab Debugging
set Debug to syslog

On the server I get the following messages:
May 8 20:20:51 media-server tvheadend[1151]: subscription: 0FE0: "scan" subscribing to mux "12551.5V", weight: 2, adapter: "SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #1 (", network: "Astra19.2E", service: "Raw PID Subscription"
May 8 20:20:51 media-server tvheadend[1151]: satip: SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #1 ( - RTSP SETUP error -5 (Input/output error) [6-453]
May 8 20:21:01 media-server tvheadend[1151]: mpegts: 12551.5V in Astra19.2E - scan no data, failed
May 8 20:21:01 media-server tvheadend[1151]: subscription: 0FE0: "scan" unsubscribing

What am I doing wrong?

Thx for any help in advance.

Hope this will help also others setting up this nice piece of software & hardware!


Replies (3)

RE: Installation Inverto 8 channel SAT>IP LNB with PoE Adapter, Tutorial and Questions - Added by Rolf Weihrauch almost 10 years ago

Sorry, but what do you mean by 'use IPTV network'?

If I add an IPTV Network (under Networks), I can not bind the Tuner/Position (under TV adapters) to that Network, I can only bind the Tuner/Position to a DVB-S Network.

RE: Installation Inverto 8 channel SAT>IP LNB with PoE Adapter, Tutorial and Questions - Added by Rolf Weihrauch almost 10 years ago

I guess my post would better fit under 'tutorials and setup' rather than 'general'. Sorry.
