


Play DVB-S Radio with mpd

Added by Tilo Roeder almost 10 years ago

I want do play a Radiochannel of TVheadend with mpd/mpc.
At the channel-list in the tvheadend-gui I have a button for play ... with the url http://tvheadend:9981/play/stream/channel/81e4ad545897e85a44ef20b1e4f94d01?title=501%20%3A%20WDR%202 and it works in the web browser.

But this URL I can't play with mpd ... you know a solution for it?

Replies (1)

RE: Play DVB-S Radio with mpd - Added by Panzaeron - almost 10 years ago

I'm searching for a solution too. If someone has an idea how to use the radio stations over tvheadend with mpd this would be great!
