


Charater set problem, strange behavior of IE 11

Added by Ralf Brinkmann about 10 years ago

I have the following devices:

O Media Server
- Tvheadend 3.9.2342 running on Debian Linux 7.8 wheezy
- 2 Sundtek Sundtek DVB-S/S2 (IV) SAT Tuner
O Clients
- 2 FireTV with Kidi 14
- iPad 3 (iOS 7) tvheadend App
- iPad Air (iOS 7) tvheadend App
- Windows 7 with IE 11

At tvheadend I setup the following:
Configuration – DVB Inputs – Networks (edit Network) Character Set: UTF-8
Configuration – DVB Inputs – Muxes (edit Mux) Character Set: UTF-8 (for each enabled mux)
Result on clients:
- Fire TV shows EPG, but all umlaute are missing, brief info below the station name without umlaute
- iPad 3 “Tvheadend returned malformed JSON..”, no EPG, no brief info below the station name
- iPad Air “Tvheadend returned malformed JSON..”, no EPG, no brief info below the station name
- Windows browser shows no EPG by default, only when entering a search criteria I get the info
Umlaute replaced by small boxes
- Safari iPad browser EPG ok, Umlaute missing
Configuration – DVB Inputs – Networks (edit Network) Character Set: AUTO
Configuration – DVB Inputs – Muxes (edit Mux) Character Set: AUTO (for each enabled mux)
Result on clients:
- Fire TV shows EPG, but all umlaute are missing, brief info below the station name without umlaute
- iPad 3 “Tvheadend returned malformed JSON..”, no EPG, no brief info below the station name
- iPad Air “Tvheadend returned malformed JSON..”, no EPG, no brief info below the station name
- Windows browser shows no EPG by default, only when entering a search criteria I get the info
Umlaute replaced by small boxes
- Safari iPad browser EPG ok, Umlaute missing

Configuration – DVB Inputs – Networks (edit Network) Character Set: ISO-8859-1
Configuration – DVB Inputs – Muxes (edit Mux) Character Set: ISO-8859-1 (for each enabled mux)
Result on clients:
- Fire TV shows EPG, umlaute ok, brief info text ok (correct umlaute)
- iPad 3 “Tvheadend returned malformed JSON..”, EPG ok, brief info ok (correct umlaute)
- iPad Air “Tvheadend returned malformed JSON..”, EPG ok, brief info below the station name, most missing (correct umlaute)
- Windows browser shows no EPG by default, only when entering a search criteria I get the info
Umlaute ok
- Safari iPad browser EPG ok, Umlaute ok

So the questions are:
is ISO 8859 the correct char set?
before I have had tvheadend 3.9.2316, I am sure it was set to UTF-8 without these problems. None of the iPads has shown the JSON message.

It seems that the IE11 has problems with the list shown in the tvheadend. The EPG shows up, as soon as I typ in a search criteria, otherwise it is empty.

Similar problem I have at the Configuration - DVB Input - services Tab.
Sometimes the list is empty. If I change from Hide All to None, the service list gets filled up.

The safari browser on the iPad does not have such problmes.
Thank you very much

P.S. I will post a similar description on the tvheadend forum to get help for the windows browser problem

Von: Luis Fernandes [mailto:]
Gesendet: Samstag, 10. Januar 2015 03:23
An: zipleen/tvheadend-iphone-client
Cc: Sethach
Betreff: Re: [tvheadend-iphone-client] At TVHeadend Client on iPad "TVHeadend returned malformed JSON.. " (#147)

I specifically added that error message to know that the "error" was from processing the JSON response.
I've tried to cleanup the json, but it's not 100% full proof - the cleanup was just to help display something, even if it removed the extended characters.
You need to check the web interface and see if it displays the EPG correctly - if it does, then contact me via email and give me access to your tvheadend or a dump of your EPG JSON call so I can test it locally.
The character set is the option that you need to set correctly for all your muxes - this should fix your issue, you just need to find the correct one.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Replies (1)

RE: Charater set problem, strange behavior of IE 11 - Added by Ralf Brinkmann about 10 years ago

It is getting weird.

After changing the character set to ISO 8859-1 I thougt that the Umlaute are now ok.

But there are still some left:
For example:
EinPlusHD 11052.57H
EinsFestivalHD 11052.57H

The mux 11052750 is set to character set ISO-8859-1

EinsPlusHD does not show the Umlaute,
EinsfestivalHD does

How can this be? And what can I do?
