


HDHR Prime Setup **Need Help**

Added by Sig Fleming over 11 years ago

Tuner: HDHomerun Prime (tuner)
Computer: Intel based Quad Core
OS: XBMCbuntu (Ubuntu 12.10 base)
TVHeadend Version: 3.4~quantal

Install Hdhomerun software:
sudo apt-get install hdhomerun-config hdhomerun-config-gui xmltv gedit linux-firmware-nonfree

Make sure the HDHomerun is found:
hdhomerun_config discover
Output should read something like (If it doesn't check your firewall): hdhomerun device 103194EA found at x.y.z.a

Update tvheadend:
sudo apt-get upgrade tvheadend
Make sure tvheadend web UI works and set up users -open browser go to: http://localhost:9981/ or http://ipaddressofbackend:9981/

Install other needed stuff (dvbhdhomerun driver):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tfylliv/dvbhdhomerun
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dvbhdhomerun-dkms dvbhdhomerun-utils
sudo service dvbhdhomerun-utils start

Set kernel module to load on boot:
echo dvb_hdhomerun | sudo tee -a /etc/modules

Config dvbhdhomerun (use your device ID in place of 1316952D) Only if Auto Discover does not work:
sudo gedit /etc/dvbhdhomerun

sudo reboot

Start device drivers:
sudo userhdhomerun -f
sudo service dvbhdhomerun-utils start
sudo service tvheadend restart

Verify Unique TSID’s Are Present
Verify that your cable provider is supplying unique TSID's for the Muxes. If not then this won't work for you. Replace your 1316952D with your device ID
hdhomerun_config 1316952D scan 0 ~/scan0.txt

When the scan is done we will create a custom DVB location file for TVH to scan. Name your file in the format (country-STATE-Town)
awk '{if ($1 ~ /SCANNING/) print "\n" $2; else print $0}' scan0.txt | awk 'BEGIN { RS = "" ; FS = "\n" } { if (length($4) > 0) print "A " $1 " qam256" }' >us-FL-Tampa

When done your custom DVB file should look something like this:
A 849000000 qam256
A 843000000 qam256
A 837000000 qam256
A 813000000 qam256
A 807000000 qam256
A 771000000 qam256
A 765000000 qam256
A 759000000 qam256
A 753000000 qam256
A 747000000 qam256

Move the file to the proper location:
sudo mv us-FL-Tampa /usr/share/tvheadend/data/dvb-scan/atsc/us-FL-Tampa
Restart Adapter
sudo service tvheadend restart

TVHeadend Backend Setup:
Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:9981
Go to Configuration --> DVB Inputs --> TV Adapters
From the drop down you should have three tuners present. If they are not showing up restart your device driver and tvheadend service.
Select "Add DVB Network by Location"
Pick your custom file you just made:
Check autodetect muxes
Turn off full mux reception.
Hit save.

You should now see muxes showing up, and starting to scan. This may take a while.

Setup Schedule Direct:
While the muxes scan go to: and register for an account, Log in, click "Add a new lineup" and follow the prompts then sign out.

Run the schedule grab:
sudo /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd --configure
Enter your schedules direct username and password, and follow the prompts.
sudo cp ~/.xmltv /home/hts/
sudo cp ~/.xmltv /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend

Even if you have no "muxes awaiting initial scan" you may have services being added. Make sure everything settles prior to moving forward.

Finish TVHeadend Backend Setup:
open browser, go to: http://localhost:9981/
Go to Configuration --> DVB Inputs --> TV Adapters
Click Map DVB services to channels;

THIS IS WHERE I AM STUCK. The button is not greyed out, however nothing happens when clicked. I have 80 muxes and 476 services shown. Any ideas? So close

Click the "Channels" tab;
for each channel double click in the XMLTV source column and match the channel to the corresponding source;
Save your changes and close the browser.

Replies (1)

RE: HDHR Prime Setup **Need Help** - Added by Ben Parmeter almost 11 years ago

I'm stuck in a similar spot. I can manually map channels at this point, but they simply don't work. I can't seem to view live TV or get recordings to work. I just get errors that there is no stream, etc.

Did you ever figure this out?
