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TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by stefan ott over 2 years ago
Hi everyone,
Complete n00b here, so please be patient
When i execute ./configure i see 4 fails in the support/features section:
checking for cc strlcat ... fail checking for cc strlcpy ... fail checking for cc stime ... fail checking for cc libiconv ... fail ^ using build-in glibc iconv routines checking for cc cclang_threadsan ... fail
i would understand that "libiconv" is fine, because it is using the mentioned alternative, right?
but for the other 3: which package do i need to install to get an OK?
i had hope installing libite-dev, emscripten, gcc and clang.. but no success.
any ideas?
Replies (12)
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by Dave Pickles over 2 years ago
Does the program compile and run? If so I wouldn't worry.
The strl... functions are string-handling functions from BSD which are non-standard in Linux.
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by stefan ott over 2 years ago
hi dave,
thanks for the input.
i tried not to write this in my initial post, because i didn't want to sound ignorant.
(really not trying to be mean or conceited or something..sorry)
but this is not the answer i was hoping for.
my goal is to have a "full ok".. having everything it needs
..or having the general repository to have "un-needed" checks removed (how would i do that?)
in my head it sounds even worse, when you say: "which are non-standard in Linux" --> this makes me want to have even more.
i hope that makes sense for the readers :)
sorry for being a n00b
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by Dave Pickles over 2 years ago
That's not really how it's supposed to work.
Tvheadend is designed (in principle) to run on any Unix-compatible operating system. To deal with the differences between systems it is standard to have a script called 'configure' which runs tests on the operating system and configures the application to suit - In this case if the Tvheadend configure script can't find the strl... functions it includes code which does the same thing (src/tvh_string.h).
I don't use Ubuntu but there may be a package available which includes the BSD string functions, something like libbsd perhaps.
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by saen acro over 2 years ago
checking for cc cclang_threadsan ... fail
This one is connected to this
But no idea with library is depend to be installed.
libtsan is not the one
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by stefan ott over 2 years ago
thanks for the answers, dave and saen
ok, i understand the following..
In this case if the Tvheadend configure script can't find the strl... functions it includes code which does the same thing (src/tvh_string.h)
but should ./configure then not rather say something like it does with "libiconv"in my case?
^ using build-in whatnot whatsoever routines
so, i tried also the following packages.. without success:
- libbsd-dev
- libtsan0
(which were already installed.. so no impact on the "fails")
so, in this case: any chances that ./configure could be updated by a pro?
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by Dave H over 2 years ago
in this case: any chances that ./configure could be updated by a pro?
Much like the rule of thumb, 'you broke it, you get to keep the pieces', the open source idea is that if you have an itch then you get to scratch it yourself. i.e. if you produce a change and submit it, somebody may well accept it, but if you're the only one who cares about some superficial appearance, as seems to be the case here, there's not much likelihood of anybody else doing anything. Sorry and all ...
Maybe if you look and see how configure handles the libiconv case, you can work out how to adjust the bit that's annoying you without having to become a pro or expert?
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by saen acro over 2 years ago
There is other side.
TVH can be build not only on Linux there is ports for other OS's, or only on latest Linux distributions.
Тhe script must determine what is available and fulfill the conditions that are set to it, be flexible and not fixed.
is the latest with can be build on Ubuntu 14.04,
because decision to re-write some scripts code not added new.
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by stefan ott over 2 years ago
thanks guys
@dave: i will have a look at it ..
.. but i hope nobody is counting on my, since i can barely manage to handle ubuntu .. imaginge how i am in coding :)
so, i guess this "dream" will fade
i did not really get what you wanted to say. sorry
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by saen acro over 2 years ago
configure and must be compatible with different OS versions,
if is 100% compatible with 22.04 it will not compatible with previous.
As example glibc was different status in older versions of Ubuntu and wasn't built in.
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by stefan ott over 2 years ago
that is good news
well, i will open a next topic with the next n00b question.
..need to get the stuff together tonight first..
thanks again!
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by saen acro over 2 years ago
Extend over this
RE: TVHeadend ./configure on clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added by Jonas Lang over 2 years ago
stefan ott wrote:
that is good news
well, i will open a next topic with the next n00b question.
..need to get the stuff together tonight first..thanks again!
You could fork the project and make your own changes locally and tailor TVH to your own requirements. If those changes are of benefit to others you could submit them to the main project for consideration.