


TVHeadend an Synology DSM 7.1

Added by Cala Vera over 2 years ago

I had TVheadend set up and running on my synology DS218+.
After updating to DSM 7.1-42661 Update 4, it does not work anymore.
Using digital video recorder and scheduling a record, the recording does not appear in the target directory.
Nothing shows up in "Failed recordings" but rather in "Removed recordings", where "File missing" appears under Status.
I checked the storage path and it is correct (/volume1/video/HomeVideo/Recordings), and that user sc-tvheadend has Read&Write access to the video folder and subfolders, and "Apply to this folder sub-folders and files" is checked.
What am I doing wrong? Does anybody has a good suggestion to fix it?
Thank you in advance for any hint/help

Replies (4)

RE: TVHeadend an Synology DSM 7.1 - Added by Frank Kiefer about 2 years ago

Hi Cala Vera,

I had problems with Recordings on my Synology DS220+ too. Now it's fine...

Unfortunately I didn't set my Recording Profile with the correct path.

Don't forget to choose your preferred Recording Profile for every Recording (View: Expert)!

See Screenshots below.



RE: TVHeadend an Synology DSM 7.1 - Added by Cala Vera about 2 years ago

Hi Frank, thank you very much for helping.
I tried to follow your suggestions. Specifically:
setting up a new recording, the DVR configuration profile was selected (in my case, "(Default profile)") => see add_recording screenshot
in the default profile, the correct storage path has been set => see default_profile screenshot
checking permission, /volume1/video directory, the sc-tvheadend system internal user has Read/Write access

anyway, after setting up the recording, nothing shows up in finished recordings or in failed recordings
looking into removed recordings, I see the status "File missing" => see removed_recording screenshot
clicking on the info button, I get the same message: status: file missing => see file_missing screenshot

I am totally lost...

RE: TVHeadend an Synology DSM 7.1 - Added by Marc Hinz 11 months ago

Hi Cala Vera,

did you find a solution for your problem? I am lost too :-)
Unfortunatelly I have the same problem with DSM 7.1.1-42962 and Tvheadend 4.3~f32c7c5

Thank you in advance!

Some more information from the log:

2023-12-27 14:48:33.735 subscription: 0198: "DVR: Punkt 12 - Das RTL-Mittagsjournal" subscribing on channel "RTL Regional NRW", weight: 300, adapter: "SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #4 (", network: "DVB-S Netzwerk", mux: "12187.5H", provider: "RTL Deutschland", service: "RTL Regional NRW", profile="matroska", username="tvheadend"
2023-12-27 14:48:35.102 dvr: Unable to create dir "/volume1/video/Punkt 12 - Das RTL-Mittagsjournal": Permission denied
2023-12-27 14:48:35.102 dvr: Recording error: "Punkt 12 - Das RTL-Mittagsjournal": Unable to create file
2023-12-27 14:48:35.102 subscription: 0198: "DVR: Punkt 12 - Das RTL-Mittagsjournal" unsubscribing from "RTL Regional NRW", username="tvheadend"
2023-12-27 14:48:35.102 dvr: "Punkt 12 - Das RTL-Mittagsjournal" on "RTL Regional NRW": End of program: File not created
2023-12-27 14:48:36.080 mpegts: 11258.5V in DVB-S Netzwerk - tuning on SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #4 (
2023-12-27 14:48:36.080 subscription: 019A: "epggrab" subscribing to mux "11258.5V", weight: 4, adapter: "SAT>IP DVB-S Tuner #4 (", network: "DVB-S Netzwerk", service: "Raw PID Subscription"

RE: TVHeadend an Synology DSM 7.1 - Added by Marc Hinz 11 months ago

Found the problem.
I did not set all rights for my recording directory "video" at Synology Disc Station - see attachment.
