


Rotor not moving

Added by gary price over 3 years ago

HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1979~g8fc2dfa7e

Fresh install on arch

Have set everything up as usual, rotor/vbox not doing anything is there any setting I need to change see images attached

tvh1.png (744 KB) tvh1.png
tvh2.png (729 KB) tvh2.png

Replies (4)

RE: Rotor not moving - Added by gary price over 3 years ago

Nevermind downgrading to 4.2.8 all working again

RE: Rotor not moving - Added by Ron L over 3 years ago

Not sure where in the code but there seems to be some other timeout delay in TVH as well. If the Rotor tuning delay gets set to 20 seconds or higher either by Rotor init time, Minimum rotor time or calculated to be 20 seconds or more by Motor rate then the tune command is never sent. If you do not have full diseqc enabled then it should tune on the next attempt after unsubscribing. If full diseqc is enabled it will never sent tune command.

Set init time less. Try to set Motor rate so longest delay is less than 20 seconds or disable Full diseqc.

RE: Rotor not moving - Added by Ron L over 3 years ago

It might be this in mpegts_mux.c

mpegts_mux_tuning_error ( const char *mux_uuid, mpegts_mux_instance_t *mmi_match )
  mpegts_mux_t *mm;
  mpegts_mux_instance_t *mmi;

  if (!tvh_mutex_timedlock(&global_lock, 2000000)) {
    mm = mpegts_mux_find(mux_uuid);
    if (mm) {
      if ((mmi = mm->mm_active) != NULL && mmi == mmi_match)
        if (mmi->mmi_input)
          mmi->mmi_input->mi_error(mmi->mmi_input, mm, TSS_TUNING);

RE: Rotor not moving - Added by gary price over 3 years ago

Ok thank you I am still no further forward on this
