


Global recording

Added by Jack Jordan over 3 years ago


Is it possible to record by one user (A) and being able to watch the recording by other users {B) and (C).

I already enabled video recording (manage all and view all) options in the users change parameter but still unable to watch the recording by users (B snd C) using android app TVHClient, please advise if i am missing something,thanks in advance

Replies (2)

RE: Global recording - Added by Jack Jordan over 3 years ago

I can see the recording but unable to play them, it ask forhttp authorization login and password, from server side the log shoew the user is identified but cannot play the recording

RE: Global recording - Added by Jack Jordan over 3 years ago

I tried it with kodi and it is working, looks like an issuw with andoid app tvhclient, thank you very much
