


ATSC-T network Pipe to ffmpeg

Added by Broc Miller over 5 years ago

I am trying to pipe the output of azap to ffmpeg to work with TVH.

In the past I have used HD Homerun and ffmpeg to transcode streams directly from the HD Homerun url. It looked something like this. With being the ip of the HD Homerun box. Yes I know I can use the built in transcoding.

pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i -vcodec libx264 -preset superfast -crf 28 -maxrate 2600k -bufsize 3500k -vf yadif=0,scale=-2:720 -acodec aac -b:a 128K -f mpegts pipe:1

I have an Hauppauge HVR-2255 set up and running and TVH can see it. I would like to use the same as above but use azap as the input rather than Is this possible?

Replies (2)

RE: ATSC-T network Pipe to ffmpeg - Added by Broc Miller over 5 years ago

Upon further reading, it doesn't appear azap outputs any video, it just tunes the ATSC channel.

So I can get this to work on command line but not in the url of tvheadend iptv network.

/bin/cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 | /snap/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i pipe:0 -vcodec libx264 -preset superfast -crf 28 -maxrate 2600k -bufsize 3500k -vf yadif=0,scale=-2:720 -acodec aac -b:a 128K -f mpegts pipe:1

in command line I change on the end "pipe:1" to "output.mp4" to get a file and it makes a file just fine.

If I make the command for TVheadend I get error:

2019-10-23 22:26:26.814 spawn: Executing "/bin/cat"
2019-10-23 22:26:26.815 subscription: 0036: "HTTP" subscribing to mux "XXXX", weight: 10, adapter: "IPTV", network: "test", service: "Raw PID Subscription", hostname="", client="VLC/3.0.6 LibVLC/3.0.6"
2019-10-23 22:26:26.818 spawn: /bin/cat: invalid option -- 'l'
2019-10-23 22:26:26.818 spawn: Try '/bin/cat --help' for more information.
2019-10-23 22:26:26.818 iptv: stdin pipe unexpectedly closed: No data

Using this command in TVheadend

pipe:///bin/cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 | /snap/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i pipe:0 -vcodec libx264 -preset superfast -crf 28 -maxrate 2600k -bufsize 3500k -vf yadif=0,scale=-2:720 -acodec aac -b:a 128K -f mpegts pipe:1

I'm suspecting I haven't formatted the command correctly for TVH.

Any help would be appreciated.

RE: ATSC-T network Pipe to ffmpeg - Added by Joe User over 5 years ago

I am not exactly sure why you are going this route, but maybe you would be better off setting up MuMuDVB as your source:
