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Make Muxes follow redirects
Added by Fabio Tunno about 6 years ago
I have an IPTV url that returns an m3u file.
Each entry is a link to an IPTV server that streams contents.
For example:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="My Channel Name" tvg-logo="" group-title="COUNTRY",IT: My Channel Name
and it works correctly
But other links has an url that "redirects" to other url.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="My Channel Name 2" tvg-logo="" group-title="COUNTRY",IT: My Channel Name 2
This link return a 301 response code with Location header to the correct streaming url
Muxes show "FAIL" in status column, instead, and I think they cannot follow redirect links.
Is it possibile to enable "follow-redirect"? how can I resolve my problem?
Thanks in advance
Replies (1)
RE: Make Muxes follow redirects
Added by Brian Shensky over 5 years ago
While not ideal, I just wanted to put this out there...
You can use "curl" command line combined with the pipe:// facility in TVHeadend to get your redirects followed. Just turn
pipe:///usr/bin/curl -s -L -N --output -
in the M3U file. Curl will respect and process the redirection, and pipe the video stream into TVHeadend.