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IPTV Mux URL passed programmatically
Added by R V almost 6 years ago
I would like to have the following command as a IPTV Mux URL:
printf %b $(youtube-dl -g)
This will return the M3U8 URL from a Youtube Live feed. And this URL needs to be considered as the actual IPTV Mux URL:,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,cmbypass,goi,sgoap,sgovp,hls_chunk_host,ei,gcr,playlist_type,initcwndbps,mm,mn,ms,mv,pcm2cms,pl/signature/430B7952637A75ACEBDF08F66EA85621D246AC24.06A795850DB0596A977A0C5AC45710BB02145FCE/key/dg_yt0/playlist/index.m3u8
If I add the pipe:// it will expect the MPEG-TS and I will have to include the ffmpeg, which will cause me performance issues ...
How can I pass the HTTP Stream programmatically in an IPTV Mux URL?
Thank you!