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IPTV Issue .ts without extension?
Added by asnail boy1 about 6 years ago
Hello all..
I've been using IPTV perfectly fine with outputted m3u files from my provider..
the urls in the m3u file ended with .ts and they worked fine without transcoding on my local network(pass) (or with different profiles i could transcode out of the house).
My provider has now changed the form out the files even though i'm still outputting them as TS m3u files...
the lines in the file are now like this:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="EUROSPORT 2 HD" tvg-logo="" group-title="MIXED SPORTS",EUROSPORT 2 HD
due to this tvheadend no longer allows me to play the videos (don't even get any data going through).
I can parse the files and edit them if i needed to but i don't know what to change the urls too.
i've tried the obvious such as adding .ts
I can choose to output the file as m3u8 instead of ts, in which case the urls end in m3u8 (doesn't help though).
any ideas?
(reposted in here as seems to be more IPTV users)
Replies (2)
RE: IPTV Issue .ts without extension?
Added by saen acro about 6 years ago
There is difference betwin http-ts and HLS streaming, maby this is reason.
RE: IPTV Issue .ts without extension?
Added by asnail boy1 about 6 years ago
I couldn't sort so I exported as m3u8 and piped it