


TVH 4.2 on Wetek as SAT>IP Server with DVBViewer (Recording Service). No TV Stream available

Added by Alexander Lohse about 8 years ago


I have an Wetek Openelec with DVB-S2 Cards. On the Wetek there is Librelec (7.0.3) as Operating System.
Now I wanna use the Wetek as SAT>IP-Server.

Therefor I installed TVH 4.2 as Backend. When I start LiveTV on Wetek everything works fine and I can see TV on it.
But not with Recording Service :(

I make the following Setting in TVH:
RTSP port (554 or 9983, 0 = disable): 9983
Subscription weight: 100
Descramble services (limit per mux): 10
DVB-S: 1
DVB-S2: 1

SAT>IP Source Number: 1

When I search for RTSP-Devices in Recording Service I can choose TVHeadend.
But I can get no TV Stream, Signal-Strength is always 0%.

Is there any Setting I forgot?