


TVH 4.0.7 Not running scans

Added by Fredrick B over 9 years ago

Trying out tvheadend 4.0.7 on a VMWare Linux 15.10.
USB Connected both DVBSky 960 and tvh find them.

Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Networks -> Add -> DVB-S2
Here I give it a name and pre-defined muxes: 1.0W Thor
Add another and pre-defined muxes: 5.0E Sirius

Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Tv Adapters
Select adapter 1 and choose network Thor
Select adapter 2 and choose network Sirius

If I now check Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Muxes all is listed as Scan status: Pend
Check Network and click "Force Scan". Still nothing happens.

Im I missing something?

Replies (1)

RE: TVH 4.0.7 Not running scans - Added by Fredrick B over 9 years ago

I missed something.

Select the folder above the network card in Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Tv Adapters
Here you can enable the card.
