


Suggest DVB-T2 / DVB-S2 card

Added by Robert E about 10 years ago


Need help deciding which DVB-T2 and DVB-S2 card (PCI-E) to buy. It should work with MPEG4 and preferably with two or more inputs at a reasonable price?


Replies (4)

RE: Suggest DVB-T2 / DVB-S2 card - Added by Daisy Reiss about 10 years ago

Hi Robert,

I have the same question, because Hannover/Germany plans to switch from DVB-T to DVB-T2 within next two years and I'm running 3 Tuners Realtek RTL2832u on DVB-T.

As far as I can see on this pages [[]] and [[]], this is just a tuner and forwards whatever comes from the air. Thus, I expect linuxdvb driver or even tvheadend will handle if it is DVB-T (MPEG2) or DVB-T2 (MPEG4). In the case I'm right, I can lean back and smile ... my 3 devices I purchased: [[]] are working well with tvheadend and multiple KODI systems, and they will do still after DVB-T2.


RE: Suggest DVB-T2 / DVB-S2 card - Added by Scott dude almost 10 years ago

Digital Devices have those, but not really at a reasonabl price in my opinion.

I have a Digital Devices DVB-S2 version 6.5 and it works out of the box with TVHeadend. No Goggling for days, automatically recognized/functions.

Hope this helps.

RE: Suggest DVB-T2 / DVB-S2 card - Added by Trex the Daemon about 9 years ago

Dvbsky S960 is a good one.

RE: Suggest DVB-T2 / DVB-S2 card - Added by Mark Clarkstone about 9 years ago

Robert E wrote:


Need help deciding which DVB-T2 and DVB-S2 card (PCI-E) to buy. It should work with MPEG4 and preferably with two or more inputs at a reasonable price?


I recommend the DVBSky T9580 dual DVB-T2 and DVB-S2 tuner works OOTB on newer kernels.

@Daisy Reiss: None of those tuners will work with DVB-T2 they are all DVB-T only, at switch over you'll lose all services using those.
