


Channel Mapping

Added by yury lafontaine almost 10 years ago

Not sure if this question has been answered previously.

I created a script that scans the HDhomerun for the channels that are received, it also downloads the xmltv.xml file and matches the available channels. Channels that are not matched are channels that are not received. I use the script to automatically create a settings2.xml file to be used for pseudoTV Live and to automatically create Live Stream files for the HDHomeRun.

here is a sample.


I47.2.271555503 605000000 36 4 TeleX 47.2 WNJUDT2 47.2 36 WNJUDT2 fcc WNJUDT2 WNJUDT2 (WNJU-DT2) Independent
I11.3.221772828 201000000 11 5 ThisTV 11.3 WPIXDT3 11.3 WPIXDT3 WPIXDT3 (WPIX-DT3) Independent
I17.1.293242292 491000000 17 1 UAN 17.1 WEBRCD 17.1 WEBRCD WEBRCD (WEBR-CD) Low Power
I13.3.39394321 213000000 13 5 V-Me 13.3 WNETDT3 13.3 WNETDT3 WNETDT3 (WNET-DT3) PBS Affiliate
I60.1.277688267 635000000 41 1 W41DO-D 60.1 W41DOD 60.1 41 W41DOD fcc W41DOD W41DOD (W41DO-D) Low Power
I7.1.28455323 177000000 7 1 WABC-HD 7.1 WABCDT 7.1 WABCDT WABCDT (WABC-DT) ABC Affiliate
I24.1.273073819 539000000 25 1 WASA 24.1 WASALD 24.1 25 WASALD fcc WASALD WASALD (WASA-LD) EstrellaTV Low Power
I24.4.295037815 539000000 25 4 WASA-SD 24.4 WASALD4 24.4 25 WASALD4 fcc WASALD4 WASALD4 (WASA-LD4) EstrellaTV Low Power
I2.1.28459048 587000000 33 1 WCBS-HD 2.1 WCBSDT 2.1 33 WCBSDT fcc WCBSDT WCBSDT (WCBS-DT) CBS Affiliate
I63.8.290208913 497000000 18 10 WDNJ 63.8 WMBCDT8 63.8 18 WMBCDT8 fcc WMBCDT8 WMBCDT8 (WMBC-DT8) Radio Station
I68.1.195990618 569000000 30 1 WFUT-DT 68.1 WFUTDT 68.1 30 WFUTDT fcc WFUTDT WFUTDT (WFUT-DT) UniMas Affiliate
I41.2.291105591 629000000 40 2 WFUT-DT 41.2 WXTVDT2 41.2 40 WXTVDT2 fcc WXTVDT2 WXTVDT2 (WXTV-DT2) UniMas Affiliate
I63.1.195990882 497000000 18 3 WMBC 63.1 WMBCDT 63.1 18 WMBCDT fcc WMBCDT WMBCDT (WMBC-DT) Independent
I4.1.28459780 557000000 28 3 WNBC 4.1 WNBCDT 4.1 28 WNBCDT fcc WNBCDT WNBCDT (WNBC-DT) NBC Affiliate

i am not sure if there is an automatic method of having TvHeadend match channels instead of manually going in and selecting the appropriate frequency ID for the channel.

Does anyone have an automatic method?