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TVHeadend Mapping DVB services to channels issues
Added by Dale T over 10 years ago
Hello all,
This may not be the place for this but, I figured I would through it out there anyway.
I have a RASPBERRY PI MODEL B 756-8308 with OpenELEC Stable - Raspberry Pi ARM Version:3.2.4 installed on it. I have TVheadend installed on it as well and I am trying to get my Hauppauge 1191 WinTV-HVR-950Q tunner card to get live ATSC over the air TV running on OpenELEC. Everything seems to work fine until i press the MAP DVB services to channels button and nothing happens!? I have me EPG xml file loaded locally, i can get services with signal strength but nothing maps to the EPG in the multiplex or services tab under the TV adapter tab and no channels are ever added to the channels tab... I am at a loss as to why nothing happens and would be great-full for any input and leads to getting it to map so i can watch live tv on my pi.
Please let me know if you need any more information.
Replies (1)
RE: TVHeadend Mapping DVB services to channels issues - Added by Adam Bannach over 10 years ago
I know it's been a month for you, but I just got my first Raspberry Pi and have been trying to get it to run my OTA as well.
Are you in the US? My guess is yes. From what I've read it's a bug that was fixed in some development code, but was never pushed to the stable version, and its a bug that plagues a lot of people. I too suffer from the "services found, but no data" bug. From what I can figure we can not map channels because the services do not have channel data with them. I get that channel data if I use w_scan however so that is quite frustrating.
One thing you can do for the time being and I'm not saying this solves anything, is to manually add a channel name onto the service. This will at least get the channel available in XBMC (OpenElec) to watch, but you have no epg data with it. So far I've been closest to having live tv running with tvheadend so I'm going to keep trying.
I know this doesn't help too much, but hopefully it gives you a glimmer of hope. I'm gonna keep hunting down a solution to the problem.
Best of luck,