


Picons missing after enabling authentication

Added by Ron Hermsen about 5 years ago

Without authentication the channel icons/picons are showing fine.
But after configuring authentication in both server and client the icons/picons stop showing and log shows the following:

2020-01-24 22:47:41.308 T:140470520899328   ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:[email protected]:9981/imagecache/151
2020-01-24 22:47:41.313 T:140470520899328   ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:[email protected]:9981/imagecache/150
2020-01-24 22:47:41.319 T:140470520899328   ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:[email protected]:9981/imagecache/149
2020-01-24 22:49:51.434 T:140472299624192   ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:[email protected]:9981/imagecache/121
2020-01-24 22:49:51.435 T:140470529292032   ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:[email protected]:9981/imagecache/46

Removing authentication shows the channel icons/picons again.

The server and client both run on the same system.

In the web-interface I matched the user with the default account '*' or same as the admin account, but than for 'Allowed networks'

With authentication configured I'm able to change e.g. timer rules for live-tv recordings via Kodi.
Without authentication I cannot change the times via Kodi.

Any suggestion on how to properly have authentication enabled and still have access to the icons/picons?
Maybe I'm just missing a setting option?

System details:
- TVH 4.2.8-36~g5bdcfd8ac in a Docker image, with the picons part of the Docket image.
- LibreELEC community build (RetroELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2-devel-20200117095917-28eddc2.img.gz)
- started with the following command:

docker run -d \
  --name=tvheadend \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --device /dev/dvb:/dev/dvb \
  -e PUID=0 \
  -e PGID=0 \
  -e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam \
  -p 9981:9981 \
  -p 9982:9982 \
  -v /storage/.user/docker/config/tvheadend:/config \
  -v /var/media/mmcblk2p1-mmc-SA16G_0x2d4b0aeb/recordings:/data/recordings \
  -v /var/media/mmcblk2p1-mmc-SA16G_0x2d4b0aeb/service.tvheadend42/debug:/data/debug \
  -v /var/media/mmcblk2p1-mmc-SA16G_0x2d4b0aeb/service.tvheadend42/cache/timeshift:/data/timeshift \

Replies (5)

RE: Picons missing after enabling authentication - Added by Lee Staples about 4 years ago

Have the same issue with picons.

And the same issue with bash scripts using curl.

Fixed the Bash scripts by using curl with --digest ie

curl --digest --silent --user $3:$4 --request GET http://$1:9981/api/status/connections

Looks like will be fixed in a newer version of Kodi pvr hts client

RE: Picons missing after enabling authentication - Added by Ron Hermsen about 4 years ago

Hi Lee,

I ran into a similar (maybe not exactly the same as a year ago) issue a week or so ago while doing a new install of TVH 4.2.8-36 on LibreELEC 9.2.6 (native (add-on) install this time, not a docker container).

This time I was able to solve it by adapting the Access Entry settings in ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/accesscontrol to make it match to a working setting from a setup on a RPi.
I concluded it must have been (at least this time) the "uilevel": -1, (web-gui: Configuration > Users > Access Entries > Edit > Expert Settings > 'User interface level' > Default)

Looking at the logs, not working was:
"uilevel": 0
(which is 'Basic' if I remember correctly)

Your curl commannd didn't work for me, but understand it is expected not to work yet.

RE: Picons missing after enabling authentication - Added by Ron Hermsen about 4 years ago

Hi Lee,

I had another look at my kodi.log and see these "ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: HTTP returned error 401 for http://USERNAME:[email protected]:9981/imagecache/" messages also if picons are showing fine.

These started to show after I corrected the applicable file for the account used in "~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/accesscontrol".

- Last change of used TVH account in kodi: 2021-01-17 21:17 (timestamp taken from file in ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/accesscontrol)
- cat kodi.log | grep CCurlFile | head -n 20:
- 2021-01-17 21:19:34.073 T:139775659202304   ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: HTTP returned error 401 for http://USERNAME:[email protected]:9981/imagecache/215

From a look in the alarms, it appears these come from JSON file in "~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/imagecache/meta/*" that point to none-existing files in "/storage/picons/vdr/". Checked the first few and strange is that the channel icon is showing fine in Kodi if one exist.


grep -n vdr ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/imagecache/meta/*
/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/imagecache/meta/185:2:   "url": "file:///storage/picons/vdr//1_0_1_2847_808_600_FFFF0000_0_0_0.png",
/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/imagecache/meta/186:2:   "url": "file:///storage/picons/vdr//1_0_1_2789_805_600_FFFF0000_0_0_0.png",
/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/imagecache/meta/187:2:   "url": "file:///storage/picons/vdr//1_0_1_4CC3_819_600_FFFF0000_0_0_0.png",

1_0_1_2847_808_600 > TVH web-gui (Configuration > Channel/EPG > Channels > NPO Radio 1 > channel number 101 > kodi-gui mapped to Radio channel 1 > channel-icon showing normal
1_0_1_2789_805_600 > TVH web-gui (Configuration > Channel/EPG > Channels > Qmusic Nonstop > channel number 119 > kodi-gui mapped to Radio channel 19 > no channel-icon (expected as I don't have one)
1_0_1_4CC3_819_600 > TVH web-gui (Configuration > Channel/EPG > Channels > Ziggo > channel number 40 > kodi-gui mapped to TV channel 40 > channel-icon showing normal

RE: Picons missing after enabling authentication - Added by Lee Staples almost 4 years ago

Hi Ron,

Good news, updated Kodi installation from rpmfusion, to kodi-19.0-0.9.20210115git90a1e12, this latest update now has the picons displaying with authentication enabled in the tvheadend client.


RE: Picons missing after enabling authentication - Added by Ron Hermsen almost 4 years ago

Hi Lee,

Thanks for the update.
I'm waiting for LibreELEC 10, which is according a blog-post from today nearly there...
