


Channel numbers in XBMC

Added by Jan van der Vyver over 13 years ago

I want to change the channel numbers in XBMC, it would be nice if tvheadend could take the channel numbers I set in the frontend of it and feed that to XBMC.

I set the channels numbers after I tested the XBMC integration.

1. When does XBMC import the channels from TVHeadEnd, on startup? is this a process of importing only new channels?
2. Will XBMC replace the channels if I make changes on TVHeadEnd?
3. How can I get XBMC to reimport all Channels?
4. Can I feed the channel numbers from TVHeadEnd to XBMC, or must this be done on XBMC?

Replies (3)

RE: Channel numbers in XBMC - Added by B. J. over 13 years ago

1. XBMC does import the channellist from TVHeadend when you go inside XBMC to Setup -> LiveTV -> Reset TV-Database. This also happens if you activate Live-TV the first time
2. No. You have to reset the TV-Database for re-reading
3. See 2.
4. Yes. Activate "Always use channel order from backend(s)" in the Live-TV-Setup inside XBMC


RE: Channel numbers in XBMC - Added by Jan van der Vyver over 13 years ago

Thank you for this reply.

You all are correct in that the channel numbers set in Tvheadend will determine the channel order in XBMC, but XBMC numbers them consecutiveas they come in.

I have found to use tags just makes it alot easier.

RE: Channel numbers in XBMC - Added by Joshua Welch about 13 years ago

The channels are imported and changed automatically (at least they were for me).
