


Oscam + Smargo+ Card Reader

Added by David Hewings almost 12 years ago


I'm looking for some help in setting up my Smargo cardreader.

I currently use oscam to connect to cccam on my vu+, but would like to change to my recently purchased smargo.

The config I currently use is:


usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw
nice = -1

port = 988
aulow = 120
hideclient_to = 15
monlevel = 1
appendchaninfo = 0

port = 34000@09*3:000000
serverip =
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
keepalive = 1

#port for frontend in webbrowser
httpport = 8989
httprefresh = 5
#ip's for web access
httpallowed =,,,,,

enabled = 1
numusers = 4
samples = 5
penalty = 1
aclogfile = /var/log/oscam/aclog.log
denysamples = 4


label = newcamd_link
protocol = newcamd
device =,34000
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
user = user
password = pass
fallback = 1
caid = 09*3
group = 1

label = sly_uk
protocol = cccam
device = 192.168.*.*,*
user = user
password = pass
pincode = 0000
reconnecttimeout = 10
caid = 09*3
ident = 09*3:000000
group = 1,2
emmcache = 1,3,2
cccversion = 2.3.0
ccckeepalive = 1


user = xbmc
pwd = xbmc
group = 1
uniq = 1
au = newcamd_link
caid = 09*3
ident = 09*3:000000
numusers = 1
penalty = 1

I understand that I need to change oscam.server, but unsure of the config, and also if i need to build a driver for it, or does it work out of the box?


Replies (2)

RE: Oscam + Smargo+ Card Reader - Added by Alex . almost 12 years ago

David Hewings wrote:

I understand that I need to change oscam.server, but unsure of the config, and also if i need to build a driver for it, or does it work out of the box?



You indeed need to build a generic driver in the kernel, which is "USB FTDI Single Port Serial Driver"
( And it is not on per default on may systems I think).

I also use oscam and smargo-reader, I can look up my server-config files later and post them.


RE: Oscam + Smargo+ Card Reader - Added by Alex . almost 12 years ago

Hi David,

David Hewings wrote:

I understand that I need to change oscam.server, but unsure of the config,

I used the configuration here, which worked for me ( but I have the same provider, so that helps :-) :

Important is that you use the CAID of your provider (06*03 in your case apparently, 0604 in mine).

Make sure your device is at the right devicenode ( f.e. Device = /dev/ttyUSB0 ). This should be in your oscam.server ( also make sure your smargo is present, otherwise there might be something wrong with the kerneldriver). In your file, I see no reference to the device.

Hope this helps, can you post any messages you get when running oscam? ( there might me usefull information there, like: Does oscam see the reader? Does tvheadend send a request to oscam, etc)

See my files:

Label = Ziggo
Device = /dev/ttyUSB0
mhz = 600
cardmhz = 600
Protocol = mouse
EMMCache = 1,3,2
Group = 1
caid = 0604:0000
boxkey = 1122334455667788
fallback = 0

and oscam.conf:

usrfile = /opt/oscam/oscamuser.log
logfile = /opt/oscam/oscam.log
cwlogdir = /opt/oscam/etc/cw
disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 2000
fallbacktimeout = 1500
clientmaxidle = 120
failbantime = 0
bindwait = 120
netprio = 0
clientdyndns = 0
resolvedelay = 2
unlockparental = 0
nice = -1
serialreadertimeout = 1000
maxlogsize = 10
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 0
readerrestartseconds = 5
lb_mode = 0
lb_save = 0
lb_nbest_readers = 1
lb_nfb_readers = 1
lb_min_ecmcount = 5
lb_max_ecmcount = 500
lb_reopen_seconds = 900
resolvegethostbyname = 0

port = 15050@0604:000000
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
allowed =
keepalive = 1
mgclient = 0

httpport = 15080
httpuser = username
httppwd = password
httprefresh = 0
httpallowed =
httphideidleclients = 0
httpreadonly = 0
