


Tvheadend / OSCAM / CanaalDigitaal troubles

Added by MrRepel Joooow over 12 years ago

Hi all,

I've been using Tvheadend and Oscam for a while. A few months ago my system started with random "glitches". The picture freezes and about 5 seconds later everything was OK. At first i suspected that my LNB was broken so i made a new setup with 2 dishes for Astra 1 and 3. Since then i've updated Tvheadend 2.12 to 3 and Oscam to the latest build (7509). The problems still exist. Now i suspect that Oscam, my card reader (smargo) or suscriber card is braking down. Some logs:


Sep 27 20:12:22 cwc: Sending ECM section=0/0, for service RTL7 HD (seqno: 40) PID 1801
Sep 27 20:12:23 cwc: Received NOK for service "RTL7 HD" (seqno: 40 Req delay: 450 ms)
Sep 27 20:12:23 cwc: Can not descramble service "RTL7 HD", access denied (seqno: 40 Req delay: 450 ms)
Sep 27 20:12:23 Service: adapter 2/CANALDIGITAAL: 12,187,000 kHz Horizontal (Astra 3)/RTL7 HD: Status changed to [Hardware input] [Input on service] [Demuxed packets] [Reassembled packets] [No access]
Sep 27 20:12:32 cwc: Sending ECM section=0/0, for service RTL7 HD (seqno: 41) PID 1801
Sep 27 20:12:32 cwc: Received ECM reply for service "RTL7 HD" even: odd: 1b.b4.d3.a2.8e.b5.a7.ea (seqno: 41 Req delay: 305 ms)
Sep 27 20:12:32 cwc: Obtained key for service "RTL7 HD" in 305 ms, from
Sep 27 20:12:32 TS: adapter 2/CANALDIGITAAL: 12,187,000 kHz Horizontal (Astra 3)/RTL7 HD: H264 #512: Continuity counter error
Sep 27 20:12:32 TS: adapter 2/CANALDIGITAAL: 12,187,000 kHz Horizontal (Astra 3)/RTL7 HD: AC3
#100: Continuity counter error
Sep 27 20:12:32 TS: adapter 2/CANALDIGITAAL: 12,187,000 kHz Horizontal (Astra 3)/RTL7 HD: TELETEXT @ #32: Continuity counter error
Sep 27 20:12:42 cwc: Sending ECM section=0/0, for service RTL7 HD (seqno: 42) PID 1801
Sep 27 20:12:42 cwc: Received ECM reply for service "RTL7 HD" even: odd: 1c.b6.6c.3e.4e.67.b6.6b (seqno: 42 Req delay: 303 ms)

Oscam (debug level 0):
[code]2012/09/27 20:22:02 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:9428): found (297 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:22:12 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:0C77): found (299 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:22:23 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:F012): found (518 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:22:33 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:31F3): not found (444 ms) by local (local ins3c card res: 96 00)
2012/09/27 20:22:42 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:5127): found (297 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:22:53 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:E316): found (520 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:23:02 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:8E24): found (298 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:23:12 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:1E69): found (296 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:23:22 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:830A): found (295 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:23:32 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:4A55): found (300 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:23:42 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:8E97): found (296 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:23:53 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:876E): found (518 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:24:03 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:B0E8): found (515 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:24:12 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:2A01): found (300 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:24:22 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:D032): found (298 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:24:32 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:E333): found (297 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:24:42 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:2F1B): found (296 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:24:53 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:837A): found (521 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:25:03 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:5AF4): found (520 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:25:12 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:081A): found (295 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:25:22 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:9E67): found (296 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:25:32 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:2219): found (300 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:25:42 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:22B4): found (296 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:25:52 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:4277): found (295 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:26:02 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:3563): found (297 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:26:13 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:51A0): found (521 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:26:22 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:3DAE): found (297 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:26:32 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:4FE0): found (295 ms) by local
2012/09/27 20:26:43 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:5FF8): not found (443 ms) by local (local ins3c card res: 96 00)
2012/09/27 20:26:52 A1F5050 c tvheadend (0100&00006A/0000/5212/64:2E01): found (301 ms) by local

This log is while watching a scrambled channel ( RTL7HD ). I have these glitches on all SD and HD channels (scrambled). With the unscrambled channels no problems. As of now every 5 ~ 10 minutes, with random intervals my picture freezes and plays again.

Some config files:
usrfile = /var/log/oscamuser.log
logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/cw
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 10000

hideclient_to = 15
appendchaninfo = 0

port = 34000@0100:00006A;34001@09C4:000000;34002@1702:000000;34003@0100:00006C
key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
allowed =,
keepalive = 0
mgclient = 1

label = local
description = local
protocol = smartreader
device = 004:002
detect = cd
mhz = 480
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,0
auprovid = 00006A
ratelimitecm = 4
ratelimitseconds = 9

This config has worked without any problems for a year, as of the last month's i have the problems and it looks like they are geting worser. Anybody any idea's ?



Replies (2)

RE: Tvheadend / OSCAM / CanaalDigitaal troubles - Added by MrRepel Joooow over 12 years ago

Problem solved, the Smargo reader is broken. I've installed a omnikey reader and it works like a charm.

RE: Tvheadend / OSCAM / CanaalDigitaal troubles - Added by Johan de Kroon over 12 years ago

What type of card do you have. I got my system going but I do not receive any dvb-s2 channels. All dvb-s channels are ok and being descrambled.
