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(Solved) Not receving EMMs anymore
Added by Tobo Tobo over 2 years ago
Hi all,
Back in February I stopped receving EMM's from Tvheadend to my Oscam instance. I didn't change anything with regards to Oscam but this does coincide with me upgrading Tvheadend. I didn't really discover this until it stopped working (EMM's expired) so I couldn't just roll back and test easily.
Last functioning log line with regards to this:
2022/02/19 19:20:57 1C083E1D c (ecm) tvheadend (0500@040D00/08E2/0D8E/52:D22A936543E32A24B78214A21BF88E17): found (533 ms) by reader1
Upgraded 2022-02-25
I've tried compiling master myself as well as using the latest packages from mamarleys repository (which I did above as well), no dice. I've also tried to checkout the hash c7b713edb but that build fails with the following message (even though nasm 2.15 is installed):
nasm --defsym ENABLE_PIC=1 --defsym PIC=1 -f elf64 does not support section alignment (nasm <=2.08?)
- Does anyone have the deb file for the functioning build mentioned above so I can try that (running jammy now and focal back then, don't know if that matters).
- Do you have any idea if anything changed with that build that could explain this?
- Am I way off here, anything I can check in TVH/Oscam to get more information for you?
Let me know what I need to do and I'll try to make it happen.
Replies (6)
RE: Not receving EMMs anymore
Added by Tobo Tobo over 2 years ago
To clarify, when the EMM's expire I hook up the TV to an antenna and put the card in there. After a while channels are descrambled and I put it back in the server, Oscam and TVH both happy again until next expire. Before, I of course didn't need to do this since TVH+Oscam managed to update the EMM's.
RE: Not receving EMMs anymore
Added by saen acro over 2 years ago
Build package yourself
RE: Not receving EMMs anymore
Added by Tobo Tobo over 2 years ago
Maybe that wasn't clear, I've managed to build from latest master and everything in TVH worked except for EMMs not being sent.
RE: Not receving EMMs anymore
Added by Tobo Tobo over 2 years ago
Also, I just tried pulling the latest docker image and I've hooked that up to Oscam now, will monitor to see if I can get EMMs this way.
RE: Not receving EMMs anymore
Added by Tobo Tobo over 2 years ago
So, I've tried docker for Oscam as well, running latest. I've tried Oscam-latest with both docker TVH-latest and TVH-c7b713edb (the build working above) without EMMs being sent. The setup works in terms of them connecting and me being able to watch decoded channels already stored in Oscam from when the card was in the TV.
Any ideas what is going on here?
RE: Not receving EMMs anymore
Added by Tobo Tobo over 2 years ago
Went back to compiled Oscam and my own built version of TVHeadend, cleaned everything in oscam and started almost form scratch, double-checked everything in TVH, et voila.
I'm getting EMM's again, so happy. Don't know exactly if it was the cleanup or the fact that I changed EMM reassemly from "2 - Enabled" to "1 - Enabled over dvbapi" as per a thread i found. Seems like this might have been an Oscam issue even though I really don't remember touching that at all, I varely rarely do.