


0 Broadcasts obtained when xmltv file is imported to TVH

Added by Nicolas Rioja over 5 years ago

Hi all,

Could you help me to understand why I can´t obtain the information of the programs broadcasted in my xml file?

First of all, please find attached the xml file that I´m referring to.

This file is generated via WebGrabPlus+ and seems to be correct but, when I run the grabber in Tvheadend I get this:

2019-11-07 18:15:30.211 spawn: Executing "/usr/bin/tv_grab_file_ElMundo" 
2019-11-07 18:15:30.259 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_file_ElMundo: grab took 0 seconds
2019-11-07 18:15:30.266 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_file_ElMundo: parse took 0 seconds
2019-11-07 18:15:30.266 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_file_ElMundo:  channels   tot=    7 new=    0 mod=    0
2019-11-07 18:15:30.266 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_file_ElMundo:  brands     tot=    0 new=    0 mod=    0
2019-11-07 18:15:30.266 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_file_ElMundo:  seasons    tot=    0 new=    0 mod=    0
2019-11-07 18:15:30.266 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_file_ElMundo:  episodes   tot=    0 new=    0 mod=    0
2019-11-07 18:15:30.266 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_file_ElMundo:  broadcasts tot=    0 new=    0 mod=    0

The script of the grabber points to the correct xmltv file. In fact, if I run /usr/bin/tv_grab_file_ElMundo in my NAS I can see the content of the entire guide grabbed.

I´ve configured the debug option enabling the next subsystems:


But, I can´t find any information in the log which could give me a clue of where is the cause of this issue.

I´m running Tvheadend 4.3-1804~gebb096804

Keep waiting your comments...

Replies (1)

RE: 0 Broadcasts obtained when xmltv file is imported to TVH - Added by Hiro Protagonist over 5 years ago

Is this the first time you're importing this data?

When you first import XMLTV data you need to do it once, then configure each of your channels to use one of the newly established EPG sources for that channel, then import the data again. Subsequent updates should just work.
