xmltv No output detected
Added by Nikolay Voronov over 7 years ago
xmltv: /usr/sbin/tv_grab_file: no output detected
tvheadend 4.3.319
The problem is more than a year old
Ubuntu - work
LibreElec - work
HOW FIX ??????????
tvheadend.service (316 Bytes) tvheadend.service | |||
tv_grab_file (1.12 KB) tv_grab_file |
Replies (2)
RE: xmltv No output detected
Added by Robert Cameron over 7 years ago
The problem is your grab file script. It's set to spit out the contents of $TVH_XMLTV, but the variable is never set. Either set it in /etc/profile, /etc/rc.local, or a similar init script, or set it at the start of the script to point to your xmltv file. (Also, make sure the user running Tvheadend has permissions to read the file)
RE: xmltv No output detected
Added by Nikolay Voronov over 7 years ago
script working !!!
$TVH_XMLTV > . /etc/conf.d/tvheadend