


Showing programme icon/image in client (Kodi)

Added by Some One about 9 years ago


I would like to somehow fix showing of programme icon in Kodi PVR Client for TVHeadend. Most of programme entries in my XMLTV file contains link to image (there's different link for image like for each episode of some TV show), but it's never displayed in programme details after choosing it in EPG grid. Instead of programme icon/image there's channel icon, which is acceptable in case if programme doesn't have its own icon/image.

Is there any way to fix this and show image from link somehow?

Thanks for help in advance!

Replies (2)

RE: Showing programme icon/image in client (Kodi) - Added by Ne Name about 9 years ago

I'm also interesterd in this, but you should do a issue/feature reqest. Neither in the webgui or HTSP i see a reference to individual programme icons

RE: Showing programme icon/image in client (Kodi) - Added by Some One about 9 years ago

Showing programme icon/image is possible and it's already implemented both server and client side (in latest versions). With new version of Kodi there are also expected changes in skins which can have support for directors/cast/... data, but last time I check the server side of TVHeadend didn't support all of that. So in addition to show programme icon/image there's a need to change xml file of skin which you're using.
