


/usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd: grab returned no data

Added by Mark Preston about 11 years ago

Dear Sirs / Moderators

Before I get to my question/problem, I ask you to consider creating sub-forums for specific OS/Hardware. After over a month of googleing for tvheadend, tvh, raspbmc, et cetera, I am certain that no number of keyword searches will bring me to an understanding of my problems, without what is most probably duplicating effort by posters/moderators at Tvheadend. Thanks.

My stack:

Raspberry PI (Model B)
Tvheadend (internal to RaspBMC, AFAIK)
SiliconDust HDHomeRun Dual (ATSC)
Schedules Direct

I have a recently created/updated xmltv.xml in /home/pi

Reading at:, this forum I see:

pi@raspbmc:~$ ps -ef | grep tvhead
root 1857 1 0 09:14 ? 00:00:00 su - pi -c /usr/bin/tvheadend -C -d
pi 1867 1857 1 09:14 ? 00:00:07 /usr/bin/tvheadend -C -d
pi 2061 2053 0 09:23 pts/0 00:00:00 grep tvhead

does the above mean I have a permissions problem? I cannot tell, as the info for my system does not match the info at the above cited post.

Where are the instructions, Tutorial or How-To for setting up the TVH webgui (webif) to use Schedules Direct or any grabber? (if grabber is the right nomenclature). I have tried to configure (inform) the TVH webgui that I am using Schedules Direct. This is done by:

Configuration then Channel / EPG then EPG Grabber

selected are: Update Channel Name, Update Channel Number,
Internal Grabber Module: XMLTV: North America (Data Direct)
Grab Interval: 12 hours

Over the Air - nothing checked

External Interfaces:

Module -- checked
XMLTV -- checked and path: /home/pi/.hts/tvheadend/epggrab/xmltv.sock

My limited understanding of this "process" suggests to me that even if I get the program data into the webgui, that it still needs to be set up to do this on a schedule; and while I see the webgui has a Grab Interval (set to 12 hours), I also read on the 'net about cron-jobs and adding code, a bit here or there.

Does manually entering channel data still apply at this time?

I can only guess at what all might be wrong here, so, kindly please send me to the correct Tutorial or How-To, and alternatively, show me the mistakes I've made in configuring the system I have. Thank you.

Replies (2)

RE: /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd: grab returned no data - Added by Todd McCollam about 11 years ago

Did you ever get this resolved? Because you don't say that you configured tv_grab_na_dd.

You don't need to check anything under external interfaces, nor do you need to set up a cron job.

Set the module under internal grabber to XMLTV: North America (Data Direct).

Point your web browser to and set up your account with the proper channel listing.

Open a command line on your rasbmc and type:
tv_grab_na_dd --configure

Move the configure file to the hts user directory (maybe you can run the script as the hts user but I don't know how to do that):
mv ~/.xmltv/tv_grab_na_dd.conf ~/../hts/.xmltv/.

Restart tvheadend (or just reboot the machine), and it should work. Note that running that script can take quite a while, so it might be a while before the EPG data shows up. You can type 'ps aux |grep tv_grab' to check if it's still running. Or look in the syslog to see if there's any errors.

RE: /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd: grab returned no data - Added by Mark Preston almost 11 years ago

It isn't possible to answer the question just yet. The manner that the desktop computer connects to both the Raspberry PI as well as the HDHomeRun TV tuner is too big a mess. The networking must be fixed first, before any progress can be made on the scheduling stuff. Thanks for asking. It will be maybe 30 to 45 more days before the networking problem is fully resolved.
