h1. HowTo Configure server connectivity variables (such as Ports and WebRoot): h2. Find the startup option you require. You can change certain variables when starting tvheadend, to see a full list execute: /etc/default/tvheadend -h The variables we are interested in are as follows: Server Connectivity -6, --ipv6 Listen on IPv6 --http_port Specify alternative http port --http_root Specify alternative http webroot --htsp_port Specify alternative htsp port --htsp_port2 Specify extra htsp port These are all fairly self explanatory, you can set the server to listen on ipv6, adjust the http port, add a webroot to all URLs, adjust the htsp port and add an extra htsp port. The webroot option is *required* to place tvheadend behind a reverse proxy. h2. Adjusting upstart/service variables (after installing the maintained package on Ubuntu for example): To add startup options to your newly installed Ubuntu package edit the @/etc/init/tvheadend.conf@ file. p(.Goto the line: ARGS="-f" This currently only contains @-f@ which will @Fork and run as daemon@. Add your desired options between the quotes, for example to add a webroot @/tv@: ARGS="-f --http_root /tv" The restart the service and browse to your previous tvheadend URL but with the /tv suffix. h2. Configuring an Apache reverse proxy with a tvheadend WebRoot: Once your webroot is added to your tvheadend startup options you can use a reverse proxy to access it, this will allow you to access tvheadend on a port that may be in use by multiple services and a webserver; this port may also be accessible from the internet. There are a few ways to configure a reverse proxy, this example is using our previously configured webroot @/tv@: order deny,allow deny from all allow from all ProxyPass http://localhost:9981/tv ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:9981/tv In this case tvheadend will now be accessible on port 80 at http://localhost/tv