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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Updated Target version
197 Tvheadend Feature Need feedback High Output multicast MPEG TS over UDP with or without SAP announcements 2019-10-25 10:45 Actions
4769 Tvheadend Feature New Normal Add custom pipe-handler to IPTV networks 2023-12-14 22:52 Tvheadend - 4.6 Actions
3131 Tvheadend Feature New Normal Transcoding profile section for SD/HD(UHD) 2021-12-27 10:51 Actions
5175 Tvheadend Feature New Normal Enable AMD´s AMF video encoding support in ffmpeg 4.0 2021-05-08 19:45 Actions
5988 Tvheadend Bug New Normal Audio in WatchTV window (Web GUI) stopped working when migrating from stable to unstable using Debian Buster 2021-04-11 19:43 Actions
5723 Tvheadend Feature New Normal Output UDP stream (for multicast) 2021-02-20 22:32 Tvheadend - 4.6 Actions
4600 Tvheadend Bug New Normal support stream reconfiguration for libav/mpegts muxer 2021-02-20 22:32 Tvheadend - 4.6 Actions
4765 Tvheadend Feature New Normal Add Custom HTTP headers field on network 2021-02-20 22:32 Tvheadend - 4.6 Actions
4261 Tvheadend Bug New Normal 2 different channels, on different frequencies, both with same tsid scanning in as same channel/service 2021-02-20 22:32 Tvheadend - 4.6 Actions
4394 Tvheadend Feature New Normal elementary stream filters: set by streaming profile 2021-02-20 22:32 Tvheadend - 4.6 Actions
4458 Tvheadend Feature New Normal exported m3u playlist - use title-format= parameter for the HTTP request like for DVR filename 2021-02-20 22:32 Tvheadend - 4.6 Actions
5985 Tvheadend Bug New Normal When switching adaptar while live-streaming only first client stream continues 2020-12-11 12:36 Actions
5857 Tvheadend Bug New Normal Aspect Ratio issue using Video Codec h264_omx 2020-11-15 20:51 Actions
5451 Tvheadend Bug New Normal Streaming error with multiple subscriptions per strem 2020-11-12 14:03 Actions
5697 Tvheadend Bug New Normal Raw Audio Output for ADTS vs LATM 2020-04-27 18:11 Actions
5838 Tvheadend Feature New Normal Add "Channel tags" column in Muxes tab 2020-01-03 14:28 Actions
5756 Tvheadend Bug New Normal High bandwith at one tuner 2019-11-26 08:58 Actions
4612 Tvheadend Bug New Normal Hardware Transcoder use vaapi when nvenc is selected 2019-11-26 03:30 Actions
5465 Tvheadend Bug New Normal Vaapi hevc video transcoding via AMDGPU (Radeon) not working 2019-11-20 01:09 Actions
5774 Tvheadend Feature New Normal Fire TV Live TV Addon 2019-11-13 23:35 Actions
5706 Tvheadend Bug New Normal Enigma2 playlist export is missing some metadata fields 2019-10-19 00:26 Actions
3923 Tvheadend Feature New Normal TV Station or Video on Demand 2019-10-14 23:08 Actions
5742 Tvheadend Bug New Normal "Watch TV" Audio do not work on some streams 2019-10-08 15:27 Actions
5701 Tvheadend Bug New Normal Fix for: VAAPI h264 encoding: bad picture quality for a minute 2019-10-07 11:27 Actions
5714 Tvheadend Bug New Normal Audio out of sync with video while transcoding 2019-08-16 10:25 Actions
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