Having great difficulty getting Linux to Install and see Win-tv DualHD
Added by Daniel Morgan over 1 year ago
Hi all, I'm really struggling to get my Ubuntu converted HP elite desk 800 g1 to install the relevent drivers and firmware for my usb tuner card. It supports Linux but all guides spiral out of control stating that one guide is outdated, leading to another guide that doesn't work etc. I've installed a supported Ubuntu OS according to the manufacturer website but all commands on their website and GitHub sites don't work.
I installed Tvheadend through snap instead of manually as that too wouldn't work.
I've uploaded photos to help show you what I have installed and will hopefully help you with how to solve this issue or provide a known working up to date guide.
Tuner is a Hauppauge Win-tv duelHD
Ubuntu 20.04.
If you need anything else please let me know
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Replies (108)
RE: Having great difficulty getting Linux to Install and see Win-tv DualHD
Added by Jonas Lang over 1 year ago
Daniel Morgan wrote:
I'm going to give the firmware option you suggested one last go tonight. If no July then will have to accept defeat and go back to the raspberry pi and try and configure it as best as possible
What you could try after that was the Hauppauge installation instructions which firstly includes installing the media tree and then installing the Hauppauge firmware as outlined here.
You will need to follow these instructions EXACTLY as they are outlined here, don’t skip anything and read the output of each command you enter as the output will determine what command you use next.
While it only mentions support for up to Ubuntu 21.10 it could be that the text of this howto may not have been updated recently.
The reason I say this I went directly to Brad Love’s work for Hauppauge on Launchpad and I see that Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) is actually mentioned.
Either way you’ve nothing to loose and if need you can just remove the media-tree aspect you install.
Just to recap. Remove those two firmware files first and then follow EXACTLY that Hauppauge link I posted above.
RE: Having great difficulty getting Linux to Install and see Win-tv DualHD
Added by Jonas Lang over 1 year ago
Not sure if you tried my latest suggestion but in the meantime if you look halfway down this post https://tvheadend.org/boards/5/topics/49567?r=50401 you’ll see this guy has a similar setup to yourself and is in fact tuning T2 muxes. You might want to get in on this discussion.
RE: Having great difficulty getting Linux to Install and see Win-tv DualHD
Added by Duncan Rix over 1 year ago
I do indeed have a working setup. Have been using these tuners for a couple of years and their pretty rock solid.
About to start a 12 hour shift so I'm not available until Monday evening. If you can wait till then I'll see if I can help.
RE: Having great difficulty getting Linux to Install and see Win-tv DualHD
Added by Daniel Morgan over 1 year ago
Ahh really? That would be brilliant thank you!how did you overcome the issue? Was it firmware or mux related issue?
RE: Having great difficulty getting Linux to Install and see Win-tv DualHD
Added by Duncan Rix over 1 year ago
Started to wright this a day or so ago.
Hi there.
I have the same tuner as you in fact I run two of them and they have been for the most part rock solid for a couple of years now. I can confirm that they are dual DVB-T2 tuners as well as DVB-C.
Now I have only had a skim though this thread so i will have missed things all ready covered by others. Things such as Ubuntu asking for install media when installing packages. That's generally down to at point of install skipping the Ubuntu repo setup. Not seen the option when installing the desktop version of Ubuntu. In my experience this is only ever an option to skip when using Ubuntu Server install media which is my preferred option. I run headless and use either Webmin, cockpit or ssh to access and administer.
Also just a word of warning re snaps from an old school fart..... DON'T USE THAT S@!T.
Yes I know you can't really fully avoid all snaps any more but I have had endless head aces with snaps and trying to get software that requires access to hardware such as USB devices or even DVD-ROM's due to permissions. Now that's going to be down to me and not wanting to learn how to administer snaps from the command line but if your confident with them and their permissions then go for it.
For me it adds another layer of nu-nessiceryness. Especially for a TV server running in my home environment, JUST NO NEED. I can see there benefit but there just not for me.
Now I see your newish to Linux, welcome to the side of light lol. I read some where you said about some of the Linux commands being the same as DOS/CMD/Powerscript (whatever). If any thing Windows commands have become more Linux like such as using tab to cycle though previous commands (was in Linux first) and since Windows 10 (I think) you can now ssh strait from CMD rather than installing putty. Also if you think TVHeaend is hard try MythTV. Any how I digress.
I'm not much good at fault finding and I generally re-install when I hit a problem I can't get around which is something I have never been able to shake from my days as a Windows user but I thought that sharing my install run though might help you in some way so here goes.
First stick with Ubuntu 20.04LTS desktop if your that new to linux unless you know how to use ssh, then by all means go with server version to save resources. I have had a few issues with HD EPG which I have now un-wittingly fixed by using 20.04 over 22.04. That said I will be trying 22.04 again soon with HWE kernel as that was my fix over generic kernel but for now I know 20.04 works.
I'm going to assume your ok with installing the dekstop after all if you can install windows you can install ubuntu. My only suggestion is that you go for the minimal install which is an option you will be presented with. Of course provided that this machine is only for serving TV.
So once you have it installed and your logged in first thing to do is change a few settings which you can do though the GUI. Either top right menu or Windows key then type settings.
Set your self a static ivp4 (ivp6 another thing I can't be assed to learn) ip, subnet, dns and gateway. Then go to power settings and disable any standby hyphenation as this is a machine you want to serve TV to your network and don't want it to fall a sleep.
We then open the termainal by either "ctl+alt+t" or "windows key" then type terminal hit enter.
Now copy paste one after the other
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
type y hit enter when asked
Once done
sudo reboot
repeat this process again and again until "All packages are up-to-date." message is shown.
We now want to change to the HWE kernel as thus far it just works compared to generic which in my experience only kinda works.
Interestingly my little VM that I'm testing with to wright this preinstalled with HWE kernel so you might not need to do this. It will either install or just tell you
"linux-generic-hwe-20.04 is already the newest version (" In which case grate, move on.
sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-20.04
sudo reboot
sudo apt autoremove
This will remove the no longer needed generic kernel and any other software packages no longer needed due to updates.
In my little test install VM there was nothing to remove, again move on.
Now we install the hauppage PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:b-rad/kernel+mediatree+hauppauge
sudo apt update
sudo apt install linux-hwe-mediatree linux-firmware-hauppauge
sudo reboot
Now install the TVHeadend PPA/Repo
First make sure curl is installed as it was not in my VM.
sudo apt install curl
then copy and paste as one
curl -1sLf \
'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/tvheadend/tvheadend/setup.deb.sh' \
| sudo -E bash
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install tvheadend
sudo reboot
You should now hopefully have a working install ready to setup from a web browser either locally or on another machine connected to your network
Good luck I hope this helps and that I've not missed the point of your issue completely by not reading every thing.
RE: Having great difficulty getting Linux to Install and see Win-tv DualHD
Added by Duncan Rix over 1 year ago
The Continuation!
TVHeadend Setup
Complete the wizard you can see in the provided screen shots how i do mine.
Create your self a user under "configuration/Users/Access Entires" click create/save (no idea what the difference is)
Create a password for the user "configuration/Users/Passwords"
Create a network "configuration/DVB Inputs/Networks" and select "DVB-T Network" from the drop down
On the next screen make sure enabled is ticked and then from the "Pre-defined muxes" select the transmitter your aerial is pointing at, mine is Sudbury save/create
Now enable your tuner/s "Configuration/DVB Inputs/TV adapters" select the Silicon Labs DVB-T then on the right tick "enable" and select your network from the drop down. Do this for each tuner you see.
Now scan for services "Configuration/DVB Inputs/Networks" select your network click "Force Scan" watch the "Services/Scan que" you should be able to tell once it's finished.
Now map services "Configuration/DVB Inputs/Services" click "map all services"
Reached the forum picture limit
Now go to "Configuration/Channel EPG/EPG Grabber Modules" look for "Over-the-air: UK Freeview" select it and enable on the right.
And that should be about it.
The first screen shot I've up loaded the wrong one and i don't seen to be able to remove Doh!. Basically I select English GB/UK for main and 2nd then just English for a third. Dont bother with the rest.
RE: Having great difficulty getting Linux to Install and see Win-tv DualHD
Added by Daniel Morgan over 1 year ago
This is absolutely amazing!! Thank you so much for going into this much detail and it is great that you have been in the same issue as me, found a working solution and gone to the trouble of helping me!
Side note I'm also extremely thankful for all the support everyone else has given!
Two additional questions,
1. Amazing did a deal with me , the allowed me to exchange the TV adapter with a new pi 4 4gb model. So from a hardware and decoding point of view, is it best for me to still use the hp elite desk system for TVH or would it be better on the pi 4?
Because I may be able to keep the pi 4 for a different project ha
2. Once up and running is it possible for me to remote view live TV channels from the tvh via Kodi, TVH server app from a different network. For if I travel and want to watch my UK channels.
Many thanks
RE: Having great difficulty getting Linux to Install and see Win-tv DualHD
Added by Jonas Lang over 1 year ago
At least others reading this will know the Hauppauge DualHD will work under Ubuntu.
For decoding transport streams purposes it’s best you use your HP to view channels. Effectively TVH as a server on the RPI and something like Kodi as a client on the HP to view the channels.
Yes you can stream on the RPI to any device anywhere in the world as long as you have set it up correctly to do so. That would be for a different question in a separate post though.
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