Triax TS400 MK II
Added by Mark A over 9 years ago
I've been slowly working through getting this all working and I'm almost there.
TS400 MKII, Inputs 1+2 28E, 3+4, Astra19E (AA),Hotbird13E (AB) proving that DiSEqC dose work.
TV headend on a quad core xenon 2GB ram, v4.0.5 - Most signals report 100% quality.
That goes to a M6 Media player XMBC/Kodi (5.1 pass through works a treat!)
I started with another satip unit (not a triax), but got a duff one, picture breakup, lockups, so sent it back..
Two things I've noticed.
1) The "system" will not start/lock onto an HD channel, I have to goto an SD channel, then goto an HD channel. (even then that dosen't always work, so a bit of channel surfing until this works. It's the same on 28E and 19E(german channels, mix of -S and -S2) all signals well in the green when they do lock.
2) The image from the triax is slightly cropped on 16:9 signal. I.e. I have small blank space at the top and bottom of the picture... with XMBC graphics over the black spaces.. The previous box didn't show this (when it worked!)
3) I can't seem to scan DVB-S2 transponders?
Any other Triax SAT>IP users noticed this before I start posting bucket loads of debug ?
Replies (1)
RE: Triax TS400 MK II - Added by Torsten Wagner about 9 years ago
I have exactly the same box. Did you manage to solve your problems. Actually I can't get a channel scan at the moment. Reading about your additional problems I wonder whether I should send the box back and get another one.
Would be nice to hear from your experience with the box